A Whole New World!

A Whole New World!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kl4hJ4j48s   Sometimes, this song plays in my head whenever a Korean girl who has lived within the constraints of conservative Confucianism her whole life is touched by the seductive magic of my comparatively uninhibited and wild ways of living. I feel like Aladdin taking a trapped princess on a magic carpet ride of fun that no traditional Korean man can … [Read more...]

Making her chase you?

Making her chase you?

Some guys like to "flip the script" by trying to make the girl chase them instead of showing direct interest. It might sound good in theory, but what's going to happen when you actually try to get together with a girl who's chasing you like mad? I'll tell you what: she's going to lose interest because she's "caught" you and you're no longer a challenge. How many times have you had a girl … [Read more...]

Korean Inhibitions

Korean Inhibitions

As some of you may already know, I've recently been hired into the Korea branch of PUA Training by the Korea-famous PUA Alexikakos, who shall later be translating this article into Korean for the Korean bootcamp students. Although I'm there to help out on the bootcamps taught in English for the foreign students, I've had the opportunity to observe and work with some Korean students as … [Read more...]

The Shameless Casanova

The Shameless Casanova

During a conversation with one of my chick friends, she told me something that I found to be very telling about how many women probably feel these days: "Sigh. Sadly, even when I TRY to have one night stands or sex just for sex, men get hardcore attached and want to claim me as only theirs. It's annoying. What happened to the promiscuous, non-committing man?" A lot of men nowadays have the … [Read more...]

Why Feminism Is a Good Thing

Why Feminism Is a Good Thing

If you've been in the PUA community for a while, you've definitely heard some of the complaints about feminism being responsible for the emasculation of entire generations of supposed "men." Most of us have complained about "feminazis" acting inappropriately self-righteous in some way or another. You can probably relate to several situations in which you have felt coerced into feeling guilt or … [Read more...]

How to use your PUA powers for good

How to use your PUA powers for good

"Leave her better than you found her." Something we should all abide by! Her facebook status said "is in a really terrible mood." While AFCs were commenting with massage offers and the like, I hit her up on facebook chat, telling her "I'm here to make you feel wonderful." After a little small talk, I tell her to talk to me on AIM because facebook chat sucks moose nuts. It really … [Read more...]

Understanding Women

Understanding Women

There once was a young girl named Katherine. She was born into a world not too unlike ours. Her world, however, was full of twisted unjust rules that didn’t make sense. You see, when people in this world are hungry, they are reminded that it is wrong to eat. Higher authorities that have watched over Katherine throughout her entire life have given her the opportunity to have many blessings: … [Read more...]



It's fucking MARDI GRAS!!! Fat Tuesday! Did I already mention how awesome this place is? I'll say it again if I did: New Orleans is fucking awesome. HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!! I have made myself a regular at this bar/club called the Dungeon. Every time I go there, I enjoy myself by having a good time on the dancefloor, talking to people, eating cherries soaked in everclear, etc. As a PUA, I'm … [Read more...]

Lookin’ for love in all the wrong definitions

Lookin’ for love in all the wrong definitions

I gotta admit. We pickup artists are fucking pathetic. We are the male counterparts to drugged up strippers who can never find satisfaction and fulfillment. Why? You could say that we're all "looking for love in all the wrong places." As someone with respect for Buddhists beliefs (I'm a Taoist), I believe I understand what true love is about. In short, it's an all-encompassing compassion for … [Read more...]