Review: 2 Girls Teach Sex (Pics!)

Review: 2 Girls Teach Sex (Pics!)

I've always believed that sexual mastery was a very important and often undervalued skill in pickup. Everyone in the seduction community is always talking about getting a girl into bed, but then a lot of guys end up having problems in the bed! Sexual mastery is also a very important INNER GAME tool because, if you really know how to blow a woman's mind in bed, you will: 1. reek of sexual … [Read more...]

Work Out Your Love Muscles!

Work Out Your Love Muscles!

"Love" isn't so narrowly defined as most people think. I just had an interesting conversation with one of my friends about the nature of love, and it made me re-evaluate and remind myself as to why I'm teaching this pickup stuff. These days, we human beings desperately need to exercise love, but perhaps not in the way that most people think. My friend approached me asking for advice about … [Read more...]