Female Mind Mastery Sign-Ups Closed (and other exciting news)

Female Mind Mastery Sign-Ups Closed (and other exciting news)

Hey, everyone! It’s been a great week or so talking about Female Mind Mastery so much, but sign-ups are now closed.

I just talked to my friend Jessica who works for them, though, and she told me that they might re-open their doors after a while. If you missed your chance to get your hands on it this time around, all hope is not lost.

I didn’t even know they were planning on re-opening again, but I guess it makes perfect sense from a marketing standpoint. I was panicking for you guys for nothing! haha

I especially feel sorry to that guy who commented in my last blog post about the scarcity and abundance stuff. I should calm my nuts.

Anyway, this was my very first time participating in the actual launch of a program like this. I hope you guys found my reviews and comments helpful! I also hope to do more stuff like this later on, definitely in a more effective and informative manner so I can give you guys the most value that I can give.

In other news, I’m working on creating something myself for you guys. What, you ask?

Well, you already had a good taste of it for free in my PUA Starter Course via the email sign-up on the front page.

I’m making a complete PUA missions course that will have A LOT of missions. Like dozens upon dozens.

However, I’m still trying to decide if I should make it a simple ebook full of missions, or if I should construct it into a fully-fledged comprehensive online training course.

So here’s where I’d like to get your opinions, guys.

Do you think it would help you better if I gave you a complete course of PUA missions in the form of a single PDF ebook, or a more comprehensive online training course with additional features like powerpoints and other media?

Let me know in the comments below.



  1. I would say I want a full fledge course on PUA, not some petty PDF ebook, I mean something with classes, and teachings and homework and EVERYTHING… I would surely buy into it!

    When you get it done get back to me asap, I am excited in reading/learning more, Thanks!

  2. I think it would be better to go with the online training course with power points. I always download PDF’s and then neglect them but interactive stuff that i have to check back in with keeps my attention. Happy to find this site and am looking forward to keeping up with it! Thanks for all the help and coaching over the years.

  3. Charles Chong says:

    I think you should have a little bit of both. If you create a free ebook training manual, more people will be exposed to your work. If it’s well done, then it will be spread through communities faster than you’d expect. Then afterwards, an online course will make sure no one will be able to steal your work by sharing it on Bittorrent and the like.

  4. I think perhaps both. Start with a PDF to help everyone, then if people want to do a more intensive training course. They can sign up and pay for the online course you mentioned.

  5. I would personally prefer an e-book since it would be easier for my to read it on my tablet when I’m traveling. It’s possible to do the course on a tablet, but it’s definitely more of a pain.

  6. Hey Chief, this is revolutionary bro. Haven’t seen any other coach in community come out with such a course. It’s great for newbies although closed by now.

  7. BTW, curious to know how the course went over time.

  8. Online e book sounds good for me…..

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