Street Harassment vs. Approaching Women

Street Harassment vs. Approaching Women

Recently there's been a youtube video going viral where a woman is walking through NYC. She was wearing very normal clothes that wouldn't be considered attention-grabbing or anything like that. Over a period of 10 hours walking through the city, more than 100 men tried to solicit her attention or, as some PUAs would call it, "approaching." It's … [Read more...]

I could have been Elliot Rodger

I could have been Elliot Rodger

By now I'm sure all of you have heard of the shooting in Santa Barbara this past Friday by the deranged gunman Elliot Rodger. He was a sexually frustrated 22-year old virgin who took out his aggression on the 6 people he killed that tragic day. Before the shooting, he recorded this haunting video: Ever since I hit puberty, I've been forced to … [Read more...]

Why No PUA Has Perfect Game

Why No PUA Has Perfect Game

Today we have a guest post from an experienced PUA who goes by the name of "In$tinct." He doesn't have his own website or anything, but the wisdom he has to offer is still great! Enjoy. - Chief Hello guys, it's In$tinct here. Today I'm going to talk about something that PUAs don't talk about. It is mistakes. The other day I was on a forum and writing about a girl who rejected my kiss and … [Read more...]

8 Ridiculous Things PUA Gurus Say That You Should NEVER Do

8 Ridiculous Things PUA Gurus Say That You Should NEVER Do

My buddy Richard runs PUA Training and he just released this great video of "8 Ridiculous Things PUA Gurus Say That You Should NEVER Do." Over the years I have slowly realized that he and I think very alike! I agree with pretty much all of his points, especially for guys like me and the kind of guys who follow me. It's no secret that I've been … [Read more...]

The Danger of Over-investment

The Danger of Over-investment

Today we have a guest post from Will Legend, dating columnist and founder of DecodeHer! Enjoy. - Chief When used in finance, the term diversification means investing in a variety of assets in order to reduce risk. The idea is that more assets equals less risk. Well, up to a certain point – then the added security is marginal. In many ways, life is similar. You must invest your time, and more … [Read more...]

What I’ve Learned from 10+ Years in the Seduction Community as an Introvert

What I’ve Learned from 10+ Years in the Seduction Community as an Introvert

(For those of you unfamiliar with the "Seduction Community," aka the "PUA community," it refers to the collective online communities of men trying to learn how to hook up with women without making things too awkward. "PUA material" refers to any writing or practical advice for men when it comes to dating and seduction.) As an introvert, I used to have lots of issues making me utterly useless … [Read more...]

3 Confidence Crutches You Need to Stop Relying On

3 Confidence Crutches You Need to Stop Relying On

Everyone likes to start with training wheels when they first learn how to ride a bike. This applies to both literal bike-riding and pretty much everything else we learn to do in life. We need a more experienced employee to give us instructions and watch over us when we learn how to work a cash register at our first part-time retail job. We need the internet to look up how to get started in that … [Read more...]